Client Advice
Our Advantage
By engaging Childcare Construction Solutions in the design and management process it dramatically reduces the risk of the project. Having CCS carry out the project from concept to completion will ultimately result in reduced cost, time and increase the quality of your project.
The 4 main reasons why you will benefit from using CCS:
Increased time efficiency with a tailored project delivery proposal to suit your needs
Peace of mind with the CCS project time delivery guarantee.
Engaging a specialist contractor experienced with the Building Code of Australia and the Department of Education guidelines
With stringent new rules and regulations around commercial financing approvals, you can be rest assure that CCS has first-hand experience working with our clients to adhere to their financial institution's necessary assessment requirements for head building contractors for clients' commercial financing loans. (see more in the seven essential decisions below)
Childcare Development Process

Seven essential decisions in project management
Did you know that most building projects go wrong in only 7 ways?
That's right! You can trace back the loss of profit, mistakes and over-runs to these 7 ESSENTIAL DECISIONS.
We know what they are. We know how to ensure they are made correctly.
Do you?
Provide a high level of quality documentationEnsure that the project documentation is of a high quality. Ok, so say you’ve decided to go ahead with your project and engage a builder choosing a “Construct Only” delivery method. Firstly, you need to ensure that the project drawings and specifications have gone through the proper design coordination process and have been reviewed and approved by all the design consultants. The documentation needs to adequate and fit ‘For Construction’ purposes. If your documents are not complete and you need budgeting advice, ask a Quantity Surveyor (QS) or experienced Project Manager (PM) to provide independent advice before engaging a builder based on documents which are not complete. Another option would be to engage a builder on a ‘Design and Construct’(D&C) basis upon the confirmation of the project’s main elements. CCS ensures that all our D & C projects have a high standard of design and documentation to ensure clarity of scope and a quality build process.
Reduce the Amount of Provisional SumsOnly allow certain minor elements of the build to be a provisional sum Ensure that builders or project managers only set provisional sums for minor items which cannot be confirmed at tender stage or during negotiations due to the lack of information/design. The common industry scenario is that the contractor will allow an extremely low provisional sum that is not realistic, so their price looks competitive. The reality is that the sum might not be realistic and once the contract is awarded and it needs to be confirmed the amount increases to reflect a suitable rate and the client is liable for the overrun. CCS ensure that we don’t set these unless it’s a must and when we do, they are realistic to the proposed scope of works.
Engagement of a Qualified Client-Side Project ManagerEngage a suitably qualified client-side Project Manager or quantity surveyor to deal with the contractor. Unless you’re providing a D & C project delivery method, we highly recommend that you engage a client-side Project Manager (PM) to act on your behalf. This person will deal with the contractor and be the intermediary between the end user and the building contractor. This ensures that there is an independent party looking out for your best interest and coordination of the project on a day to day basis to make critical decisions. CCS advise all our clients that they obtain independent advice or services for projects which are on a Construct only basis to ensure the project outcomes are achieved working together with the client-side PM.
Mutually Agreed Construction ProgramIt’s critical to have a mutually agreed construction program and adhere to it. Allow for you and the contractor to set a suitable and reasonable construction program. There needs to be proper calculations carried out to establish the time and resources required to deliver the project. So, ensure your builder provides you with a detailed program before commencing on-site, that can be used to track your construction progress regularly. CCS provides you with a detail construction program from quoting/tender stage and provide a monthly updated construction program to ensure complete transparency.
Establishing A ProcedureIt’s imperative to establish a procedure regarding managing projects issues and notices. Agree a procedure for managing design, cost and time elements with the contractor prior to starting construction. When both parties follow an agreed process correctly, unforeseen quality, cost & time issues (which commonly occur on poorly managed projects) will be avoided and or reduced. CCS provides you with a detailed procedural report on how these items are managed (Request for Information, Variation Notices, Extension of Time Claims etc). They are all set-out and adhered to following the arranged procedure set out in the agreement.
Reviewing Contractor QuotesMake sure you compare “apples with apples” when reviewing builder’s tender submissions When obtaining quotes from building contractors, it’s important to undertake a thorough tender comparison. A thorough tender comparison will allow you to determine a building contractor’s inclusions & exclusions as well as confirm if they have conformed to the project documentation. CCS provides you with a detailed submission which includes all our company details, experience, qualifications, clarifications, complete break-up of costings to allow you to make a comprehensive comparison/assessment of our submission.
Reputable Building ContractorEnsure that your chosen building contractor is reputable and has experience in the market sector for your specific project. You need to consider the building contractors performance on many factors such as; experience, quality level, adequate resources, safety performance, financial stability. Firstly, check the validity of a contractor’s licenses and insurances, to ensure they are in the legal position to undertake your project. Secondly, it is also recommended you review your builder’s quality and safety performance by undertaking site inspections of their current and past projects. Verbal references from past clients are also an extremely beneficial way to confirm the reputation of your builder. A crucial element of the decision making process also comes from external parties such as financial institutions. With an increase to new rules and regulations by major financial institutions in commercial lending facilities – There is a requirement for the head contractor to be assessed as part of the commercial loan approval process. This assessment is based on a number of factors see examples below: *number of projects undertaken with similar values * track record *financial capability *experience within the childcare sector factoring in both design and construction experience. CCS has undergone the assessment process with a number of financial institutions for various childcare projects. CCS were approved as the head contractor due to meeting the stringent bank requirements, meeting the number of elements as part of finance approval assessment it’s critical that you are aware of the assessment process to ensure you get your finance approval and development underway in a timely manner. You do not want to not lose precious time finalising the tender / quote and then realise that your proposed contractor will not meet the development loan criteria which can dramatically stall the project. Once the decision process has been completed you will be best placed to choose the building contractor that is best suited to your project. CCS will provide you with client references and contact details to ensure that you are comfortable that you have engaged a reputable and professional contractor.